welcome to allaboutRERA

this is me, RERA .
enjoy my blog and post your comment

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

First Time Make a Book Cover

this is my first time make a book cover. several weeks ago, my art teacher asked to all of students to try to make a book cover.
first of all, we had to draw, coluring and scanning. After that, we had to edit the picture as we wish and as we can, hehe
finally, we printed that picture.
this is my first book cover

I know and I realize this is not too good but at least this book cover made by my own self :)

Senin, 22 Februari 2010


Last February 17, 2010 , our city, Solo, celebrated Solo's birthday .
Usually, the government holds 'kirab' for celebrate it, and also this year. KIRAB BOYONG KEDATON is the theme. We showed all of Solo's culture by traditional dance, traditional clothes, etc. The competitor are Mr. Jokowi as our government, Putra Putri Solo, Junior and Senior High School students, etc.
We showed a lot of culture. For example my school, we wore modern soldier clothes. It was so unique. Although we rather lose face and feel very tired after walk from KOTA BARAT until BALAIKOTA, but we feel proud.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010


this is not the first time I'm crying when I listen this song
I remember him always .
and I don't know what I have to do
ouugh !

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010


d'massive and kotak , their new songs are have so deep lyrics haha
make me feel sad (sometimes) , but usually I think I must have an introspection
think so faaaaaaaaaaaaarrr about it but I can't get the point (stupid of me ! haha)

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

palm resto , Jan 10 2010 , nothing words he said to me

I wished that I can closer with him that night .
but , that's wrong ! He didn't say any words to me :(

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

my ex bestfriend

this is the first time she invites me to go to her event .
I feel happy , sooooo happy . but I'm sure that I'll be seen a few gauche . I don't know why . But I think because we had a problem last time .
Don't you know that I'm a shy girl . I have never can start or terminate a discussion , especially with her .
Now , I'm confuse . what will I give to her this evening ?
this is her sweet seventeen birthday . Last time I gave her a pillow . A blue pillow . I don't know whether she likes it or not .
Let me think about it ..